Dec 02, 2024
Challenging Mainstream Sovereign Debt Narratives: A Rights-Based Approach for the Arab Region - Hassan Sherry
Hassan Sherry
Assistant Professor

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Hassan Sherry

Challenging Mainstream Sovereign Debt Narratives: A Rights-Based Approach for the Arab Region - Hassan Sherry

Arab countries, like their Global South counterparts, risk defaulting on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and climate commitments. According to the 2024 World Investment Report, there is a $4 trillion investment gap needed to meet the SDGs in developing countries, and the drop in international project finance will exacerbate this shortfall. In the Arab region, 14 countries have yet to achieve a single SDG target. According to the UN Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA), this lack of progress will extend the 2030 deadline for achieving the SDGs by an additional 60 years.

The main culprit is the significant rise in debt stocks and debt servicing levels, particularly when such increases come at the expense of social spending on public goods such as education, health coverage, and other requirements for advancing the SDGs.

Despite this situation, the mainstream focus is shifting from solvency risks (and the need to improve debt restructuring processes) to a narrative of a 'short-term liquidity crunch,' with calls for increased financing to reverse negative net financial flows and for rescheduling without real debt cancellation. Some institutions, including the IMF and the World Bank, argue that solvency risks are broadly contained. However, the reality is that billions of people are living through a full-blown debt crisis, including in the Arab region.

This article contends that such claims oversimplify a far more complex reality. It aims to provide a rights-based appraisal of the nature and determinants of sovereign debt challenges in the Arab region and to discuss the features of an alternative debt management framework that ensures debt supports development. Specifically, the article seeks to answer the following set of questions:

1) Is debt in the Arab region sustainable?

2) Do existing debt sustainability analyses (DSAs) adequately capture the nature of the problem? 

3) What should debt relief in the Global South, including in the Arab region, look like?

Overview of debt sustainability in the region

The ratio of public debt to GDP in the Arab region, excluding Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) member states, reached an average of 71% in 2022, exceeding the averages for both developing and least developed countries (LDCs). Additionally, the ratio of external public debt surpassed the averages for developed, developing, and LDCs. Over the past decade, public debt interest payments as a percentage of revenues have risen significantly in at least six Arab countries, reaching nearly 50% in Lebanon and Egypt in recent years. This alarming debt situation has been further exacerbated by a sharp 42.6% decline in concessional lending during the same period, while total debt service surged by 82.4%.

In mainstream discourse, International Financial Institutions (IFIs) and Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs), including the IMF, argue that fewer defaults are occurring and that countries continue to service their debts. However, two important caveats must be noted.

First, the lower number of defaults is largely due to lending arrangements with IFIs that compel indebted countries to implement severe cuts in public spending. These austerity measures often worsen existing vulnerabilities, particularly in nations where public spending is already in decline. In countries exposed to climate-related shocks, such spending cuts can further trigger social unrest and destabilization.

Second, the fact that fewer countries are defaulting could shift abruptly, especially given the ongoing wars in the Middle East and the risk of these wars spreading across the region.

Against this backdrop, civil society organizations (CSOs) in the Arab region are emphasizing a critical message: there is a debt crisis. Many countries in the region are on the brink of debt unsustainability.

This crisis is not merely about liquidity versus solvency, nor is it solely about defaults. More significantly, it is evident in cuts to government budgets and reductions in spending on public goods that are fundamental human rights, including health, quality education, infrastructure, and climate mitigation. It is also reflected in the economic recession affecting many countries in the region, driven by the exceptionally high and escalating debt service levels compared to previous decades.

Limitations of existing debt sustainability assessments (DSAs)

A key limitation of IMF-World Bank Debt Sustainability Analyses (DSAs) is their predominant focus on macroeconomic fundamentals and stability, often sidelining the social and developmental requirements essential for building resilient societies. Additionally, existing DSAs typically emphasize external debt while overlooking the significant rise in domestic debt, which is also costly and crowds out domestic private investment. In some Arab countries—such as Tunisia, Egypt, Morocco, and pre-default Lebanon—spending on debt servicing equals or exceeds expenditures on essential services like education, health, and social protection combined. This critical issue is often ignored in IMF-World Bank debt sustainability assessments.

More importantly, DSAs fail to address the structural nature of the debt crisis in the region and the Global South more broadly. While domestic factors, such as weak institutional frameworks, play a role in the crisis, its roots lie in systemic issues embedded within the global economic architecture: dependence on external financing, commodity dependency, unfavorable trade terms, unequal global power dynamics, and heightened vulnerability to geopolitical and climate shocks in certain countries.

As long as DSAs neglect these systemic issues and fail to incorporate concrete conditions for achieving developmental outcomes alongside fiscal sustainability, the region’s debt challenges will remain unresolved.


The mainstream narrative that there is no debt crisis in the region (i.e., no risk of insolvency) implicitly acknowledges that countries are unlikely to achieve the level of investment required to meet the SDGs. This perspective must be reframed to prioritize the alignment of debt policies with the achievement of the SDGs and climate-related objectives.

Many Arab countries require solutions that go beyond short-term liquidity injections. They need development financing directly tied to achieving internationally agreed targets for development and climate investments. If the IMF incorporates these dimensions into its debt sustainability assessments, it will become evident that countries like Lebanon, Egypt, Tunisia, and other Arab LDCs may require debt restructuring or relief.

Moreover, development financing must tackle the root causes of persistent liquidity challenges and the structural reliance on continuous borrowing. This includes strengthening domestic industries to reduce reliance on imports and diversifying export baskets—particularly with low-carbon alternatives—to decrease dependency on commodity exports. These measures are especially crucial for non-oil-exporting Arab countries.

Finally, civil society, both in the region and globally, emphasizes the urgent need for a more inclusive and development-oriented debt architecture. Global CSO networks, particularly the Debt and Development networks, have called for an intergovernmental process to establish a United Nations framework convention on sovereign debt. Realizing this critical initiative is essential for creating a fairer and more sustainable global economic system.

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