Membership is granted to the national institution, not to individuals
Each institution is eligible to apply for membership in the Network provided it conforms to definition of a non-governmental organization as stated in the introduction to this statute, and to membership requirements
Applications for membership are submitted to Coordinating Bureau, and are submitted for approval at the first General Assembly meeting. Decisions are based on relative majority vote
Membership Conditions:
The NGO must have been founded for at least three years.
The organization must operate in one of the fields of intervention listed in definition of non-governmental organization.
The organization must have a clear vision and well defined objectives and activities set forth in its program document along with designated implementation mechanisms and performance evaluation criteria.
The organization's internal structure must illustrate the internal decision-making process and the set of its administrative and organizational structure, in addition to enumerating regulatory bodies and their missions, as well as criteria for selecting members and modes of accountability in use with the institution.
The organization must hold financial records which are audited by a certified professional auditor and approved by the competent bodies.
The organization must have issued, at least, one annual report concerning its work and activities.
its various activities must be consistent with its goals and objectives set out in the program document.
Leading executives, including Chairman of the Board, President of the General Assembly, General Manager, or Chief Executive officer must not hold a governmental position, in particular, the position of Minister or Director-General.
Ensure payment of the financial dues to the Network.
Approve the Bylaws of the Network.
Recommendations letters from two member organizations
Membership Fees:
Networks, organizations, and associations have to pay annual fees as follows:
Local Network: $ 250
Individual Organization: $ 100
Membership Cancellation:
Non-compliance with the conditions of membership set out in this system.
Deviation from goals and the overall vision of the Network.
closing of the programs and activities of the institution (dissolution or integration of the institution).
Failure of the institution to pay their annual contributions for two consecutive years.
it is permissible for the General Assembly of the Network to drop the membership by two thirds of its members upon the proposal of the Secretariat for other reasons than those stated in these items.
To join the network:
Complete the membership application
Provide the Network with the documents mentioned below and send to [email protected]
Auditor's Report
Annual Report (last 3 years)
Strategic Plan
Recommendations letters from two member organizations