
About us / Authors / Adib Nehmeh

Adib Nehmeh

ِِExpert in Development, Social Policies & Combating Poverty

Country : Lebanon
Theme : Development, Social Policies and Combating Poverty
Brief : Adib Nehme is an expert and consultant in development, social policies and the fight against poverty. He is currently working as a consultant for the Arab NGO Network for Development, and a freelance consultant on development issues. He worked as a Regional Adviser on Sustainable Development Goals, Social Policies and Governance at the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia - ESCWA, of the United Nations between 2009 and 2018. He worked between 1995 and 2004 as a consultant to the United Nations Development Program office in Beirut, director of the Capacity Building Project for Poverty Reduction of the United Nations Development Program and the Ministry of Social Affairs, and director of the World Bank endowment project for the Ministry of Social Affairs. He moved between 2004 and 2009 to work in the regional office of the United Nations Development Program in the Arab countries, as a regional advisor on poverty issues and the Millennium Goals. A lawyer at appeal, registered with the Bar Association in Tripoli, he holds a diploma in deep studies in social sciences, in addition to a BA in Law and a BA in Philosophy from the Lebanese University. His work experience is diverse and includes: consulting and research in social and development issues; National Dialogues, Millennium Goals, Multidimensional Poverty, Training in Development Issues, Governance and Management of National Dialogues. Trainer, civil society activist, in addition to journalistic experience. He worked with various development partners: the United Nations, the World Bank, governments, international, regional and national NGOs, academics, media professionals...etc. He participated in several international and regional conferences, contributed to the preparation of national or regional reports, or assumed responsibility for their preparation. He has a number of books, research papers and articles published on various development issues. Including human development reports and the Millennium Development Goals in Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq and Bahrain; Training manuals on national adaptation of the MDGs, on local development and MDGs, women's empowerment, and a guide for parliamentarians. He also coordinated the work of the report on the Arab teenage girl in 2003, and coordinated the preparation and writing of the first report on the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child in Lebanon (1998 - 2003), and the Lebanon report contributed to the Copenhagen Summit, and the regional reports of the Arab NGO Network for Development. And carried out dozens of training courses in various fields. Contributed to the design of the Unsatisfied Basic Needs Index, which was used to measure poverty in Lebanon and the Arab countries, and assumed responsibility or contributed to the design of studies that adopted this approach. He designed the Urban Deprivation Guide, and prepared the report on urban deprivation in Tripoli, which was issued in 2015. He recently published a book, The State of Spoils and the Arab Spring (2014), and Arab Popular Solidarity: From Renaissance to the Arab Spring (2016).
Adib Nehmeh

Publications by Adib Nehmeh

Sep 10, 2024
Dialogue for Dialogue's Sake: The Tragedy of Social Dialogues in the Arab Region - Adib Nehmeh
Apr 08, 2024
Poverty and Inequality in Arab Countries: Reality and Policies
Jul 05, 2023
Lebanon's Civil Society and the Developing Crisis‫ - ‬Adib Nehmeh
Aug 01, 2022
Civic Space in Arab Countries: Concepts and Problematics - Adib Nehmeh
Apr 08, 2022
Lebanon’s Social Safety Network: “A safety” out of reach - Adib Nehme
Mar 15, 2021
Development and Poverty: A Critical Review of Concepts and Measuring Tools