Jan 12, 2021
UPR - Civil Society Report - Lebanon

Since the first UPR review in 2010, a national coalition of around 50 civil society organizations (CSOs) in Lebanon has produced knowledge on the concrete human rights violations in the country and advocated for fair and equal policies on all levels. The UPR allows non-governmental actors, particularly CSOs, to ensure that encroachments on human rights are alleviated to the maximum possible extent.

The civil society coalition following Lebanon's UPR process launched the civil society report in light of the third review.

56 civil society organizations developed this report and produced 12 joint and individual submissions to the OHCHR.

Click Here to watch the online sessions organized by ANND on 12 January 2021 to discuss civil society reports and find below links to read the Report.

Full Report

UPR Third Round - Lebanon - Civil Society Report 2020 ArabicEnglish

Reports By Section

1- Economic and Social Rights Report  ArabicEnglish

2- Civil Rights and Liberties Report ArabicEnglish

3- Political Rights and Freedoms Report  ArabicEnglish

4- Judicial Independence and the Right to a Fair Trial ArabicEnglish

5- Juvenile Justice System Report ArabicEnglish

6- Environmental Rights Report ArabicEnglish

7- Rights of Persons with Disabilities Report ArabicEnglish

8- Women’s Rights Report ArabicEnglish

9- Children’s Rights Report ArabicEnglish

10- Rights of Syrian Refugees Report ArabicEnglish

11- Palestinian Refugees Rights Report ArabicEnglish

12- The LGBTIQ+ Community Report ArabicEnglish


Fact Sheets

Fact Sheets Folder English


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