Mar 07, 2024
Outcome document - Regional Meeting for Civil Society on Sustainable Development

The Arab NGO Network for Development in collaboration with the members of the Regional Sustainable Development Platform (ATUC, CAWTAR, HIC-HRLN, ARFPD, ANDE, CAWTAR and TI) organized the "Regional Meeting for Civil Society on Sustainable Development - On the Way to the Summit of the Future" on March 4, 2024 in Beirut, from which this outcome document was issued.


” A safer world – and a bigger pie – for all”, is the objective of the UN Summit of the Future that will take place next September in New York. It is all evident now that the agenda 2030 and none of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals will be met. Worldwide, wars, inequality, poverty, hunger, and diseases are increasing, women suffer more violence and discrimination, and children suffer from starvation and wars, as seen in Gaza. Simultaneously, climate change, the destruction of nature, and the exploitation of the world's resources by corporations are causing severe consequences such as biodiversity erosion and climate disruption. Thus, we are not closer to a safer world and Justice between North and South for developing countries and their people. Despite extensive efforts to monitor the implementation of these goals through specific indicators and targets, the annual presentation of "achievements" during the High-Level Political Forum has failed to paint a positive picture.

Please click here to view the full outcome document.

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