
About us / Authors / Mohamed said Saadi

Mohamed said Saadi

Economist and Independent Consultant

Country : Morocco
Theme : Economics, Gender and Development, Euro-Mediterranean Partnership
Brief : Mr. Saadi is economist and independent consultant. He has worked as Thesis Director at the Graduate Institute of Commerce and Business Administration of Casablanca (ISCAE) from 2011-2015. He has taught Economics and Management at the ISCAE and the Faculties of Law and Economics of Casablanca and Marrakech from 1972 to 2010. He was also an expert and Member of the Gender and Development Committee of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa and Secretary of State for Social Protection, Family and Childhood. Mr. Saadi was a research fellow at Princeton University (1997/1998) and Fulbrighter at the University of Texas at Austin(1993). He has written numerous books and publications on Business groups and Development, the Moroccan Economy, Gender and Euro-Mediterranean Partnership, and is a social activist. His research topics cover rethinking development models and developmental states, the impact of the neoliberal and global crisis on Arab countries, industrialization and industrial policies. Mr Saadi was awarded the Morocco’s Great Prize of Book for his publication on “Financial Groups in Morocco” (1990).
Mohamed said Saadi

Publications by Mohamed said Saadi

Jul 03, 2023
Neoliberal globalization and human rights: A right to health model - Mohamed Said Saadi
Sep 29, 2022
Neoliberal Illusions in the Arab Region - Mohamed Said Saadi
Mar 01, 2022
On the New Development Paradigm in Morocco: Development for Whom?
Dec 01, 2021
Economic Development and Social Dialogue
Dec 17, 2014
Impact of IMF Austerity Policies on Social Protection
Jan 01, 2014
L’austérité n’est pas la solution par Mohamed Saïd Saadi, économiste