Mar 05, 2024
Reform priorities of the multilateral system from a civil society perspective

Reform priorities of the multilateral system from a civil society perspective
Special Session 12
Thursday, 7 March 2024, 3.30–5 p.m. Beirut time

This Special Session will be organized as a hybrid event. To participate over Zoom, please register here.

The Arab NGO Network for Development (ANND) is organizing a special session as part of the Arab Forum for Sustainable Development to address sustainable development priorities from a regional perspective. The session aims to amplify the voices of civil society and their approach to overcoming current challenges by focusing on the regional context and connecting with the Summit for the Future. The session will specifically delve into the following issues:

• Global crises and challenges to the effectiveness of global governance, with a focus on the economic dimensions, including the financial architecture, and the roles of the global economy, financial institutions and the United Nations.

• The geopolitical context in the region, the effects of global crises on security, economic and social aspects, and the failure to achieve absolute prosperity for individuals and peoples, to ensure peace, and to recognize people’s rights to development, self-determination and effective participation in light of civic space restrictions.

• Ways to adopt a transformative and comprehensive approach to confront challenges, starting from a political and economic reform process, through a comprehensive and sustainable response, ultimately progressing towards development aligned with human rights principles.

- Ms. Sally Abi Khalil, Middle East and North Africa Director, Oxfam

- Dr. Mohamad Said Saadi, Advisor, ANND
- Mr. Medani Abass, Director, Nidaa Organization, Sudan
- Mr. Ziad Abdel Samad, Executive Director, ANND

Questions to be addressed

1. What are the most prominent features of the global crisis and its effects on the region? How does the current geopolitical context affect peace, human rights and sustainable development in the region? What potential improvements or alternative approaches can be suggested to enhance the effectiveness of global governance?

2. How can we build a more equitable financing path for development and formulate rights-based economic and social policies to protect Arab societies from debt crises and their consequences and current economic approaches? Given the wide disparities prevailing in the Arab region, what are the main challenges and issues surrounding development models and their financing within the region? How does this affect the most vulnerable groups and the achievement of justice?

3. To overcome the challenges of restricting civic space, how can mutually accountable partnerships be established between development actors in the Arab region? What are the ways to ensure the participation of rights holders in establishing development paths?

This Special Session will be organized as a hybrid event. To participate over Zoom, please register here. Those physically present at the UN House can attend the session in the MZ meeting room, MZ floor.


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