MAJALAT Organises Civil Society Forum 2021 with a focus on Policies and new Perspectives for the Southern Mediterranean
A platform for permanent dialogue between the European Union and Civil Society in the Mediterranean, MAJALAT is organizing the 2021 Civil Society Forum online, on 7, 8 and 9 July.
This high-level event is the latest in a series of EU-supported, Brussels-based Forums ; due to Covid-19 related restrictions, its format was reshaped as a three-day webinar.
Designed by civil society for civil Society, MAJALAT is a participatory and inclusive process, offering a multi-layered space for dialogue between the European Union and partners in the Southern Mediterranean. Combining video production, digital e-learning and resource platforms, as well as on-site and online meetings, MAJALAT nurtured dynamic interaction and exchange of experiences during the past three years.
This 2021 edition is the culmination of this three-year cycle of concertation which brought together civil society organisations, trade-unions, policy makers, experts and a wide range of grassroot organisations from across the Mediterranean, to develop vision and influence policy towards the region.
The Forum will discuss the New Agenda for the Mediterranean and the EU’s and Civil Society’s vision for the region. It will examine more closely the results of MAJALAT’s thematic activities and research in six key areas : governance and the rule of law, economic and social dialogue, migration, climate justice, security and youth. Findings, which are being presented in three national round tables held this month in Tunisia, Morocco and Lebanon, will be further discussed during the Forum.
On Thursday evening, a side event will offer the chance to meet authors and artists from the Mediterranean and discuss cultural and artworks’ exchange in the region, a question often overlooked but with great potential to build bridges between people across the region.
Finally the event will give participants and civil society organisations working in the region insight on the future of the structured Dialogue, and a glimpse on programmes and instruments available to them.
Check the programme here and follow Forum plenaries on Majalat’s Facebook and Twitter! Hashtag is #MAJALAT21
Supported by the European Union, MAJALAT is implemented by a consortium of six members led by EuroMed Rights and including the Forum des Alternatives Maroc (FMAS), REF - Réseau Euromed France, SOLIDAR, Arab Trade Union Confederation (ATUC) and the Arab NGO Network for Development (ANND).