Empowering youth starts initially with recognizing their needs and protecting and fulfilling their rights and freedoms. In return, responding to their needs requires adapted capacity-building opportunities and the implementation of policies providing future possibilities. To be effectively hearing the voices of youth and engaging them directlyin shaping their own future is vital. Furthermore, empowering youth necessitates moving beyond isolated youth programmes and projects towards a comprehensive look at the issue of sustainable development and adopting reforms to address structural challenges faced at diverse levels, being economic, social or political.
In this context, ANND together with SOLIDAR, ESPACE Associatif, BADES, REMAJEC and MPDL will organize a two-day regional meeting in Rabat Morocco on November 24 and 25, 2017. Organized within the framework of a project on “Decent Work, Social Protection and Freedom of Association in the Middle East and North Africa: Mobilizing for Social Justice by strengthening and promoting CSOs, social movements and the (independent) trade unions’ role in reforms and democratic changes”, the workshop will bring together civil society representatives and the partners of the project to discuss key issues pertaining to youth in the region and the EU policies' impact on youth empowerment.