Nov 27, 2017
International Workshop on “Strengthening Public Policies for the 2030 Agenda”
The Arab NGO Network for Development (ANND), the Reflection Group on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Issam Fares Institute for Public Policy and International Affairs (IFI) at the American University of Beirut (AUB) are pleased to invite you to the: International Workshop on “Strengthening Public Policies for the 2030 Agenda” 30 November to 1 December 2017 The Issam Fares Institute for Public Policy and International Affairs (IFI) at the American University of Beirut (AUB) The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development adopted in September 2015, is presented as a transformative agenda that will “leave no one behind”. However, structural obstacles at regional and sub regional levels related to economic models and to the roles of the different actors are impeding the implementation of the agenda. A strong emphasis was put on the vital role independent monitoring and review play for its success. Civil society groups, in addition to participating in the UN High Level Political Forum (HLPF), have developed their own independent monitoring initiatives in order to hold their governments and development actors accountable. Such initiatives exist at global, regional and national levels and provide a critical eye on the 2030 Agenda and its transformative approach. Within this context, this international workshop aims to provide a space for exchange of experiences and strategies among representatives of national, regional and global civil society initiatives, including those of the Reflection Group on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Agenda Thursday, Nov 30 9:00 - 9:30 Session 1: Introductory session & general notes from the organizers In this 30-minute session, the key speakers will announce the agenda and the purpose of the meeting in addition to the contribution of each of the three entities in working (either through research or monitoring and evaluation) on SDGs agenda 2030. Speakers: Dr. Nasser Yassin, Issam Fares Institute, AUB Mr. Ziad Abdel Samad, Arab NGO Network for Development (ANND) Ms. Chee Yoke Ling, Third World Network (TWN) 9:30 - 10:30 Session 2: A general overview of the agenda 2030 This session will discuss the differences between MDGs and SDGs, the universality of the 2030 Agenda and the need for public policies with across goals and rights-based approaches (human rights, including economic, social and cultural rights, women’s rights, rights to work and rights at work). Speakers: Ms. Barbara Adams, Global Policy Forum Mr. Adib Nehme, UN Economic and Social Commission for West Asia (ESCWA) Moderator: Ms. Asma Khader, Jordan 10:45 – 12:00 Session 3: People A rights-based approach to work and social services. The care economy and its relation with migration, employment and the rights of women. Speakers: Dr. Faouzi Boukhreiss, Morocco Dr. Kamal Hamdan, Consultation and Research Institute (CRI), Lebanon Moderator: Mr. Rabie Nasr, Syrian Center for Policy Research (SCPR) 12:00 – 13:30 Session 4: Inequalities within and among countries The roles of economic growth and of migration in reducing inequalities among countries. Taxation systems and economic disparities, fiscal space and the need for global cooperation. Tackling gender inequality. Speakers: Ms. Kate Donald, Center for Economic and Social Rights Dr. Nisrine Salti, AUB Mr. Nabil Abdo, Lebanon Moderator: Ms. Atidel Mejbri, Center of Arab Woman for Training and Research (CAWTAR) 15:00 - 16:30 Session 5: Monitoring the SDGs: The debate around indicators. Sharing experiences from the HLPF and VNR processes. Speakers: Dr. Ahmad Awad, the Phoenix Center for Economic and Informatics Studies, Jordan Dr. Othmane Makhoun, Espace Associatif, Morocco Dr. Neimat Kuku, Sudan Moderator: Ms. Kate Donald, Center for Economic and Social Research (CESR) Friday, Dec 1 9:00 – 10:15 Session 1: Partnerships Discussion about the Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) and their role on the implementation of SDGs The points that will be discussed in this session are: The Global Partnership for Development and the different forms of partnerships What are the advantages and problems associated with PPPs? What are the alternatives? Speakers: Ms. Sandra Vermuyten, Public Service International Dr. Mohamad Saadi, Economics Professor and Researcher, Morrocco Mr. Ziad Hayek, Secretary General of the Higher Council for Privatization, Republic of Lebanon Moderator: Dr. Ramzi Mabsout, AUB 10:15 – 11:30 Session 2: Planet The nexus between food, health and agriculture. How it is essential not just for Goal 2 on hunger but also for health, sustainable production and consumption, inequalities and other goals. The production and consumption regime and how it affects work and natural resources, crosscutting many of the SDGs. Climate change, the principle of Common but Differentiated Responsibilities, the impact of climate on all other goals. Speakers: Mr. Stefano Prato, Society for International Development (SID) Dr. Nadim Farajalla, Issam Fares Institute, AUB Mr. Habib Maalouf, Lebanon Moderator: Mr. Rola Majdalani, ESCWA 11:45 – 13:00 Session 3: Global obstacles and the Arab region Global systemic obstacles to implementation of the 2030 Agenda, with a particular focus on the Arab region. Trade and investment regime, global finances. Speakers: Mrs. Lina Tannir, lecturer at the Olayan School of Business, AUB Ms. Kinda Mohamadieh, South Centre Moderator: Mr. Wael Gamal, Egypt 14:30 – 16:00 Parallel sessions – strategies Session 4a: Interactive discussion on the regional experience Provision of policy recommendations to ensure an effective implementation and monitoring of the Agenda 2030 in the Arab region. Moderator: Mr. Ziad Abdel Samad, ANND Session 4b: Interactive discussion on civil society strategies towards multilateralism Policy and strategy discussions towards the United Nations' implementation and monitoring of the Agenda 2030. Mid-term objectives towards the 2019 Summit. Moderator: Mr. Jens Martens, GPF 16:00-17:00 Wrap ups and conclusions 17:30 – 19:00 Public event: Launch of the Spotlight Report 2017: Reclaiming Policies for the Public Auditorium/ Issam Fares Institute for Public Policy and International Affairs This session will look into the role of different actors in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda: states, private sector and civil society. The panel discussion will particularly discuss the roles for Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in localizing the Sustainable Development Goals in regional and national contexts. Among the issues that will be discussed is how CSOs can bring the voice of the poorest and most marginalized citizens to the national, regional and international fora. In addition, the session will touch upon the CSOs contributions to implementation, including as service delivery agents and the accountability of CSOs and their role in making the other actors accountable. Speakers: Mr. Roberto Bissio, Social Watch Ms. Chee Yoke Ling, Third World Network, TWN Ms. Barbara Adams, Global Policy Forum Dr. Mohamad Saadi, Economic Researcher and Professor, Morocco Dr. Toufic Gaspard, Economic Advisor, Lebanon Moderator: Mr. Ziad Abdel Samad, ANND Note: This panel discussion will be held in English and Arabic with simultaneous translation
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