Jun 11, 2011
Aid Effectiveness Workshop and Multi-Stakeholder Consultation
The Arab NGO Network for Development (ANND) in cooperation with the Reality of Aid Network Organized an Aid Effectiveness Workshop and Multi-Stakeholder Consultation for Lebanon on June 21 & 22 2011 at the Riviera Hotel, Manara, Beirut
This event is organized in preparation for the Fourth High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness, as part of a series of events in the Arab region and the world to tackle issues related to development and its funding, elaborate civil society perspectives on these questions and establish a constructive dialogue with development partners from governmental, donor and private organizations.
The first day will primarily be a CSO workshop aimed to activate the discussion of key issues related to development and aid in Lebanon, the Arab region and the world as well as develop recommendations to improve their effectiveness. The second day will be a multi-stakeholder dialogue to build understanding and support among official donors, governments and other development stakeholders for these perspectives.