Dec 10, 2021
2021 study week on macroeconomic, trade, investment and development policies

The Arab NGO Network for Development (ANND) together with the Asfari Institute for Civil Society and Citizenship and Third World Network organised 2021 study week on macroeconomic, trade, investment and development policies from December 6  till December 10, 2021.

Objectives of the study week:

• Enhancing civil society advocacy on economic policies in the region by building capacities and raising awareness on the elected priority-issues.

• Working towards establishing a working group of civil society activists from various Arab countries cooperating with the Network on studying the different layers of developmental process in order to have a wider scope of the development solutions and priorities for the Arab societies, according to the expertise coming from different contexts.

The Study Week brought together international/regional participants and experts. During the 5 days intensive program, they learned structural and systemic development challenges and discussed alternative development paradigms

Topics discussed druing Day 1: financing for development and sustainable recovery, tax justice and sustainable development, debt crisis and impact of the crisis in developing countries.

During day 2 discussions were on systemic failures: global governance, data control, care systems and vaccine, subsidy reforms in the Arab region and the role of IMF, WTO reform and agenda, and global austerity alert.

Day 3 covered: climate justice in the Arab region, green transition in the region, food Sovereignty, gender and development, inclusion and research - Methodology.

Day 4 focused on the International Investment Agreements, Trade and Investment policies in the Mediterranean, Sustainable Human Development Narrative and social protection in COVID-19 times, and Agenda 2030 implementation in the Arab Region.

During day 5 the role of private sector in development was elaborated


Day 1:

Financing for Development and Sustainable Recovery - Stefano Prato

Tax justice and Sustainable Development  - Dr. Naser Abdel Karim 

A debt pandemic, impact of the crisis in developing countries - Daniel Munevar, Eurodad

Day 2:

Systemic failures: global governance, data control, care systems and vaccine - Roberto Bissio and Stefano Prato

Subsidy reforms in the Arab region and the role of IMF - Dr. Naser Abdel Karim

WTO reform and agenda - Sanya Reid Smith  

Global Austerity Alert - Isabel Ortiz

Day 3:

Climate justice in the Arab region - Prof. Najat Saliba

Green transition in the region - Joseph Schechla

Food Sovereignty  - Stefano Prato

Gender and development  - Lina Abou Habib

Inclusion and research - Methodology - Dr. Mohamad Loutfy

Day 4:

International Investment Agreements - Kinda Mohamadieh 

Trade and Investment policies in the Mediterranean - Dr. Mohamed Said Saadi

Sustainable Human Development Narrative and social protection in COVID-19 times, and Agenda 2030 implementation in the Arab Region - Adib Nehmeh and Jana El Baba

Day 5:

Questioning the role of private sector in development - Kinda Mohamadieh 

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