Background notes on Core funding style and reserve - click here to download the full policy
ANND has found that a lack of core funding can cause or compound other organizational challenges, including staff shortages; inappropriate premises; and a lack of capacity to meet rights holders and network members’ demand. This often results in staff and members being preoccupied with seeking multiple pots of project funding. These challenges require precautious measures to ensure the organization’s sustainability and survival in difficult economic times, and in situations of having less donor funding. The reserve fund policy is for the purpose of withstanding unexpected costs and have the ability meet the running expenditures of ANND that are irrelevant/not driven by the to the programs/ projects implemented; costs which are referred to as the core costs. ANND shall put, in its best efforts, investment in core funding strategies to ensure its sustainability.
Strategic funding is funding from regular, reliable funders who make an open-ended commitment to an organization.
The five main elements to Core Funding are:
• Strategic Funding
• Apportioning Overheads into Project Budgets
• Self-Generated Income
• Developmental Funding
• Cost Reduction Minimization
ANND’s first priority is to ensure that the core funds of the organization are met on a sustainable basis. This will require a subtle mix of different strategies.
Click here to download the full policy.