Regional and Country Reports developed through Social Rights Monitor tool - Palestine
The European Union (EU) is a strong and important donor for the Palestinian people. As made clear in the evaluation report of the EU’s cooperation with Palestine, it has been the Palestinian people’s most
reliable partner for many years and the largest contributor to Palestinian welfare¹. The Palestinian Authority’s institutional capacity is supported by the EU and governance, private sector development,
water and land development (including Area C) and the East Jerusalem Programme have been identified as cooperation priorities².
This report aims to assess the overall situation in terms of social protection, decent work and civil society space in Palestine. In particular, it aims to track the progress made since the implementation of the ENP and the partnership established with the
EU. In order to evaluate the situation in Palestine, consultations have been conducted with civil society representatives and human rights activists within the seven countries covered by the project ‘Decent
Work, Social Protection and Freedom of Association in the Middle East and North Africa: Mobilizing for Social Justice by strengthening and promoting civil society organisations (CSOs), social movements
and independent trade unions’ role in reforms and democratic changes’, including Palestine. Qualitative feedback was collected on the basis of a questionnaire, the Social Rights Monitoring Tool, (hereinafter SRM tool) that included options for defining the context as well as open questions, offering room to provide direct input.
This report summarizes the results/feedback received based on which a set of recommendations have been formulated in the conclusion section.