Aug 11, 2021
Private Sector Accountability in Morocco

Private Sector Accountability in Morocco  - Download Full Report


Private sector accountability is a complex issue everywhere, as it needs to take into account several economic, legal, administrative, and social dimensions. This preliminary report on Morocco’s situation in this field does not claim to be comprehensive or that it will be able to analyze all its economic, social, and environmental aspects. However, it aspires to present ideas about the general situation, taking into consideration some national experiences that question the role of companies as a responsible investor, on the one hand, and the role of the state as an observer and protector of public interest, on the other.

It will begin by attempting to locate the private sector’s position in Morocco, based on political and economic developments since its independence. It will then illustrate Morocco’s experience with accountability regarding public utilities run by the private sector and accompanying legislative framework and state-run control to protect the public interest (consumers, workers, the environment) through a continuous, if not comprehensive, process. It will demonstrate how two very important sectors have yet not benefited from the same supervisory framework, namely national education and higher education, and the consequent violation of the rights of citizens, children and parents, without strong accountability.

To achieve this, the paper adopts a three-stage exploratory approach:

• Documentary research to collect data on the private sector in Morocco in all its dimensions, its presence in social sectors, and the particular situation in national and higher education.

• Preliminary analysis of the data in the context of the problem posed by ANND on private sector accountability.

• The report was discussed, tested, and enriched in a national meeting that met on April 7, 2021, in Rabat, organized by Espace Associatif. The meeting was attended by associative and union actors, in addition to experts on private sector accountability and education. This final version of the report was the result of these contributions. The author of this report extends his sincere thanks to all contributors to the meeting.

Private Sector Accountability in Morocco  - Download Full Report

This Publication is part of the ARAB WATCH REPORT 2021.

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