1. The 3rd cycle review of Israel comes in the 50th year of occupation for Palestine whereby ending the occupation remains as the single most important priority to enable Palestinians to their right to self-determination advance development goals, to reduce humanitarian
needs and to ensure respect for human rights. Indeed, the violation of international humanitarian and human rights law and the continuous violation of related legal obligations by Israel as the occupying power are the core reason of human rights abuses and persistent suffering that Palestinian people is facing today.
2. The basic right of security, peaceful existence and self- determination for the Palestinian people, as well as its right to exist in an independent Palestinian State within the areas occupied in 1967 continues to be violated, resulting in deteriorating human rights conditions in the country, including poverty, unemployment, health care, education. In this regard, taking into consideration the limited discussion during the previous UPR reviews on economic and social rights (ESRs) violations faced by the Palestinians, the joint submission prepared by the Arab NGO Network for Development and Al Marsad Social and Economic Policies Monitor focuses on the ESRs, to ensure the inclusion of these issues within the review and formulation of recommendations to the Government of Israel to ensure accountability.
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This report is part of UPR Submissions on Israeli Violations of Human Rights report