Oct 01, 2013
IMFs Trade and Investment related advice to Arab countries: Trends and implications
This paper is one in a series of papers published by the Arab NGO Network fordevelopment (ANND) as part of its work on monitoring IFIs’ policies in the Arabregion.This work falls within ANND’s aims of strengthening the analysis and research onpublic policies in the Arab region, in addition to supporting the process of buildinga strong role for civil society in developing alternatives, specifically on the economicand social fronts, based on choices that are rooted in the local and national prioritiesand needs. The following paper focuseson the IMF’s structural policy advice toArab countries, which is one dimension of the policy advice presented togovernments in the region along macroeconomic policy advice. The paperand the figures it presents focus on trends in middle-income non-oil exportingcounties. The paper gives an overview of the challenges of production,wages, poverty, and inequalities in the Arab region. It reviews the narrativeof the IMF post the revolutions in the Arab countries and discusses the IMF’srole in the area of trade and investment policies