Sahar Mohammed
Country : Yemen
Theme : environment
Brief : Sahar has a degree in physics and started writing with a particular focus on the environment in 2018, publishing with many local and regional platforms. She was selected for the MENA environmental journalism fellowship with Climate Tracker in 2019. Her media piece on women and water won the MENA Blue Peace Open Eye Award from KAS & Cewas organizations in 2020. Sahar was awarded ICFJ’s Global Nutrition and Food Security Reporting fellowship and UN LDC5 journalism fellowship in 2022. She was also awarded a Candid Journalism Grant and two grants from ICFJ. Besides writing, Sahar is working on managing media projects as a project assistant with Intenews Yemen.
Country : Yemen
Theme : environment
Brief : Sahar has a degree in physics and started writing with a particular focus on the environment in 2018, publishing with many local and regional platforms. She was selected for the MENA environmental journalism fellowship with Climate Tracker in 2019. Her media piece on women and water won the MENA Blue Peace Open Eye Award from KAS & Cewas organizations in 2020. Sahar was awarded ICFJ’s Global Nutrition and Food Security Reporting fellowship and UN LDC5 journalism fellowship in 2022. She was also awarded a Candid Journalism Grant and two grants from ICFJ. Besides writing, Sahar is working on managing media projects as a project assistant with Intenews Yemen.