
About us / Authors / Riham Bahi

Riham Bahi

Associate Professor

Country : Egypt
Theme : international relations, global governance, Middle East politics, Euro-Mediterranean relations, feminism, Higher education reform.
Brief : Riham Bahi is an Associate Professor of international relations at the Faculty of Economics and Political Science, Cairo University.  Dr. Bahi earned her PhD in International and Public Affairs from Northeastern University in Boston, where she also received her MA in International Relations and Comparative Politics.  Dr. Bahi is the academic coordinator of the Euro-Mediterranean program at Cairo University.  She is also member of the executive committee of the Anti-Harassment Unit at Cairo University.  Dr. Bahi is a member of the Future Studies and Risk Management Council, the Academy of Scientific Research and Technology. She serves as Associate Editor for Review of Economics and Political Science (the quarterly journal of the Faculty of Economics and Political Science, published by Emerald). Her expertise includes the following fields: - program development- project management - capacity building in higher education- capacity building for citizenship and gender for youth- curriculum development- internationalization of higher education institutions- intercultural dialogues- teachingDr. Bahi has received many awards and honors, including a Fulbright Pre-Doctoral award, teaching expert credentials from the Center for Effective University Teaching at Northeastern University, and Cairo University International Publishing Award in 2017, 2018 and 2019. Her research interests include international relations, global governance, Middle East politics, Euro-Mediterranean relations, Egypt and U.S. Foreign Policy, Iran-Arab Gulf states relations, feminism, Higher education reform
Riham Bahi