Nassim Abi Ghanem
Country : Lebanon
Theme : International Politics-International Relations
Brief : Nassim holds a MA in International Politics-International Relations from the University of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom and BA in Business Administration with International Marketing emphasis, from the American University of Beirut. He worked as a Research officer at the Arab NGO Network for Development. Previously he worked as a senior collaborative Provision Officer at British Academy in Lebanon. He still collaborates with the Academy as a Lecturer, teaching Cardiff Metropolitan University Programme modules including on contemporary issues in International Political Economic, business in Global Context, money banking and risk and international global marketing.
Country : Lebanon
Theme : International Politics-International Relations
Brief : Nassim holds a MA in International Politics-International Relations from the University of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom and BA in Business Administration with International Marketing emphasis, from the American University of Beirut. He worked as a Research officer at the Arab NGO Network for Development. Previously he worked as a senior collaborative Provision Officer at British Academy in Lebanon. He still collaborates with the Academy as a Lecturer, teaching Cardiff Metropolitan University Programme modules including on contemporary issues in International Political Economic, business in Global Context, money banking and risk and international global marketing.