Feb 17, 2012
Side event organized by ANND with CIVICUS World Alliance for Citizen Participation, CIHRS, FIDH and Euromed
During the 19th Human Rights Council session, the human rights conditions in syria was discussed through an urgent debate, follow up of the Commision of Inquiry report and as well through the adoption of the Universal Periodic Review of Syria.
In this regard, ANND together with CIVICUS World Alliance for Citizen Participation, CIHRS, FIDH and Euromed organized a side event on March 14th, 2012 at 14:00
Moreover ANND together with CESR and CIVICUS submitted a written statement to the Human Rights Council. With regard to the adoption of the UPR outcome, ANND issued a statement before and aftermath of the session, calling Human Rights Council members to urge Syrian government to ease immediately use of force against civilians. The statement issued following the highly political UPR adoption session, called for a special UPR follow up session for Syria.
Joint Statement on Human Rights Conditions in Syria Consideration of UPR Report of Syria
This is a joint statement by CIVICUS World Alliance for Citizen Participation and the Arab NGO Network for Development
The Adoption of Universal Periodic Review outcome of Syria
After an urgent debate held on February 28th and the follow up of the Commission of Inquiry on March 12th, the grave human rights conditions in Syria, amounting to
massacre, was discussed again during the adoption of the outcome of Universal Periodic Review (UPR) on March 15th, 2012